Attendee & Exhibitor Terms & Conditions

Thank you for your participation and support of American Business Media events. Please note that all our Events have a policy of no refunds for cancellations or no-shows. Please read the following important notices regarding this event. Registration for the event, for all attendees, exhibitors and sponsors means that you agree to the following terms and conditions:

1) Payment

Payment is due immediately upon Registration. No registration shall be acknowledged or confirmed until payment is received by American Business Media LLC.

2) Attendee Registration

American Business Media LLC charges fees for attendees at our conferences and tradeshows. For a limited time sponsors and exhibitors have the ability to invite certain clients and prospects to register to attend as complimentary registrants. American Business Media LLC has the sole right to determine attendee eligibility for any level of attendance, or any discount.

3) Waiver of Liability

By registering for an American Business Media LLC event, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the event, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold the venue, any sponsors or exhibitors, American Business Media LLC, or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.

4) Adherence to all rules and regulations

By attending the event, you and any guests agree to follow all rules, guidelines and regulations of the Event, and acknowledge that American Business Media LLC has the right to create, post, announce, or change any rule, guideline or regulation at any time. Failure to abide by such rules may result in forfeiture of your registration and denial of entry to any or all of the event. No refunds will be given in any situation where an attendee is denied entry because of failure to adhere to any rule, guideline or regulation.

5) Promotional Materials; Soliciting and Polling

Regular attendees and non-exhibiting vendor attendees shall not distribute to the persons attending the Exposition and related conference any printed matter, including without limitation: company specific promotional materials; complimentary newspapers and other periodicals; samples; and souvenirs and the like, or any marketing materials of any kind.

6) Cancellations and Refunds

It is the policy of American Business Media that in the event of cancellation or no-show on the part of the attendee, no refunds will be made. Attendee hereby waives any and all claims against American Business Media LLC for damages or compensation due to cancellation or postponement of the Event. American Business Media LLC may reschedule events as necessary or prudent. Refunds for events cancelled by American Business Media LLC will be made in the form of credits to be used for future select American Business Media LLC products and services only.

7) Compliance with Federal, State and Local Laws

Attendee shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, including but not limited to health regulations.

8) Governing Law and Forum.

This Agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced according to the laws of Connecticut. The parties hereby agree to submit themselves to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of Connecticut which shall be the exclusive venue for any disputes relating to this Agreement.

9) Marketing

By attending an Originator Connect Network event, you agree to receive promotional and informational email correspondence from Originator Connect Network, American Business Media, National Mortgage Professional and our vendor partners. You may unsubscribe from these email communications at any time, although you may miss critical updates about the event by doing so.

10) Photography

By attending an American Business Media event, you consent to your voice, name, and/or likenesss being used, without compensation, in film or photography in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter. Attendees are not permitted to bring in camera personnel or videographers.

Exhibitor and Sponsor Additional Terms

Thank you for your participation and support of American Business Media events. Please note that all our Events have a policy of no refunds for cancellations or no-shows. Please read the following important notices regarding this event.

1) Payment
Payment is due immediately upon Registration. No registration as an exhibitor or sponsor shall be acknowledged or confirmed until payment is received by American Business Media LLC.

2) Booth, Shipping And Registration Information
The information you will need as an Exhibitor or Sponsor will be available at the website of your event. Our URL convention to access that information is You may download the Exhibitor Kit as well as forms to order Electricity, Internet, and to register your booth staff. You can download the Exhibitor Kit, which provides information on shipping materials in and out of the show, as well as the opportunities to order other booth materials and services offered by Expo Services Company. American Business Media LLC and the Hotel will not be responsible for any freight not shipped by our Expo Services Company.

3) Attendee Registration
American Business Media charges fees for attendees at our conferences and tradeshows. For a limited time sponsors and exhibitors have the ability to invite their NMLS-registered mortgage professional clients and prospects to register to attend as complimentary registrants. These Events provide numerous ways to make this easy. We encourage you to take advantage of this valuable pre-show marketing opportunity by reaching out to your clients and prospects. Sponsors and exhibitors are provided with a unique registration link to email to prospective attendees.

Note: Sponsors and exhibitors do not incur any actual fees for those who accept their invitation. Sponsors and exhibitors are asked to include on their invitation distribution list. We are happy to provide a list of attendees registering via your link upon request.

4) Booth Staff Registration
Exhibitors and sponsors receive a quantity of complimentary booth staff registrations, as outlined at each Event. Additional booth staff may be added for $125 per person. Please note: all booth staff must be pre-registered prior to the booth staff form deadline. After the booth staff form deadline, all non-registered booth staff (new or changed from existing registrations) will be charged $125 per person for entrance into the exhibit hall.

5) Waiver of Liability
By registering for an American Business Media LLC event, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the event, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold the venue, any sponsors or exhibitors, American Business Media LLC, or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.

6) Deadlines
Deadlines for the Events are available via

7) Giveaways and Raffles
We encourage exhibitors to offer a raffle prize at their booth. Attendees enjoy winning and having your raffle prize listed in the program guide drives additional traffic to your booth. The raffle prize is kept at your booth the entire time. Just prior to the conclusion of the show, we collect the Raffle Winner Forms from participating exhibitors, gather all attendees on the show floor, and announce the winner of each exhibitor’s raffle. Winners are sent to the participant’s booth to accept their prize. To drive additional traffic to our exhibitors and to reward the attendees who visit them, the Events may offer various prizes to be raffled off during Exhibit Hall hours.

8) Insurance
As an exhibitor, you may wish to arrange for fire, theft and liability insurance. Please contact your insurance agent to do so at your expense. The Events, American Business Media LLC and the Hotel are not liable for damages or injuries incurred during the EXPO.

9) Email Communications
We’re staying Green. All communications about the Events will come via email. Please forward all communications to any staff that needs to be informed. To add contacts to receive the emails directly, please let us know by emailing

10) Media
Vendors are permitted to bring in camera personnel and videographers only with prior approval from the show producers. The producers reserve the right to deny entry to any individual documenting the event without such approval. Additionally, all camera and video content must be shared with AmBiz. By attending an American Business Media event, you consent to your voice, name, and/or likenesss being used, without compensation, in film or photography in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter.

We have a great show planned, and we’re looking forward to your involvement. We trust this information is helpful, but if you’ve got more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can contact Vincent Valvo, American Business Media LLC, (860) 922-3441, or at

The Event reserves the right to reject or prohibit, in part or in whole, any exhibit, exhibitor or sponsor, at any time. If an exhibit, exhibitor or sponsor is rejected for breach of marketplace terms and conditions or for violating local or state codes of laws, no refund shall be made. All rights and responsibilities overseeing the management of the Event are reserved by American Business Media LLC or its’ designates.

A. Scope, Incorporation by Reference, Terms:
This agreement relates to the Exposition presented by Event in connection with the Conference identified in the Registration to Exhibit. The completed application incorporates by reference all of the terms of this master contract. “Exposition” refers to a trade show or group of tabletop exhibits in conjunction with the Event. The term “Agreement,” as used herein refers to the terms set forth in the Exhibitor’s Contract. “Exposition Facility” or “Hotels” refers to the facilities housing Event exhibit halls. “Official Contractors” refers to the official show decorators of the Event. “Exhibitor” is an entity whose Application to Exhibit has been accepted by the Event.

B. General Terms & Conditions:
It is understood and agreed as follows:
Subject to the availability of booth space, the Registration to Exhibit or Sponsor at the Event becomes a binding contract upon the Event’s issuance of a confirmation notice after receiving a fully completed application and good funds in the full amount owed for the exhibit space and/or sponsorship requested.

Exhibition at, or sponsorship of, the Event shall not constitute an endorsement of Exhibitor in any way, shape or form, and Exhibitor may not state or imply in any marketing, public relations, speech or outreach, that any endorsement exists or may exist.

Classification of exhibits and assignment of space in the Exposition Facility will be determined by the Event at its sole discretion, and due to the great number of companies exhibiting similar or related product lines, the Events cannot guarantee that a company exhibiting similar products (including an exhibitor’s competitor) will not be located in a nearby or adjoining booth space.

The Event reserves the right to take the following actions at its sole discretion:

1. To prohibit any exhibit, or part thereof, which violates this Agreement or is, in any other way, not suitable for, or in keeping with, the character and spirit of the Exposition;

2. To close any exhibit which is found, in the sole discretion of the Event, to violate this Agreement during the course of the Exposition;

3. To refuse to permit an Exhibitor or Sponsor who violates this Agreement to participate in one or more future Event Expositions;

4. To change the floor plan (including but not limited to aisle spaces), without notice, in order to comply with fire, safety and accessibility regulations, or to provide, in the Events’ exclusive judgment, a safer, more satisfactory, more balanced, attractive or successful Exposition; and

5. To enforce strict compliance with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement

6. In the event the exhibitor has not paid the balance due as agreed, booth space may be reassigned to another exhibitor. If exhibitor does not claim its assigned space before 8:00 a.m. on the first day of the exhibit hall opening, booth space may be reassigned to another exhibitor.

C. Booth Displays and Equipment

1. Appearance: Standard booth equipment, as noted on the General Exhibitor Information, will be provided by the Event without cost to the Exhibitor. If an Exhibitor plans to install a completely constructed display of such a character that the Exhibitor will not require or desire the use of standard booth equipment, no part of its display shall so project so as to obscure the view of the adjacent booths. No display, may exceed a height of ten feet on the back wall nor be higher than side wall specifications, except with special permission of Events. Exhibitor shall not use a display that varies in any significant way from its description in the General Exhibitor Information.

2. Installation and Dismantling: The specific requirements as to time for installation and dismantling of as noted on the General Exhibitor Information page shall be binding upon the Exhibitor as though fully set forth herein. All displays must be in place and set up at least one hour prior to the official opening of the Exposition Facility. Space not occupied by that time may be re-assigned for other purposes by the Event. If the booth is not set up during official installation hours, Event may instruct the Official Contractor to set the booth and this cost will be charged to the Exhibitor. No Exhibitor will be permitted to dismantle a booth prior to the official close of the show. Exhibitors who dismantle their booths, in part or in whole, prior to 15 minutes from the official close of the Exhibition Hall agree that they will automatically be charged a $1,500 early-breakdown penalty, and shall have no right to dispute such charge, which shall be submitted to Exhibitor’s credit card in the first instance or via invoice in the second instance.

3. Contractor Services; Use of Union Labor: Events have agreements with contractors (hereinafter “Official Contractors”) to provide various services to exhibitors. They will provide all Exposition services other than supervision. Exhibitors will provide only the material and equipment that they own and intend to use in their exhibit space. All other items or Exposition services may be provided only by the Official Contractors, as set forth in the Exhibitor Service Kit, which contains forms and instructions for obtaining the necessary services. All services not ordered in advance must be procured through the Exhibitor Service Desk(s), which will be maintained in the Exposition Facility. Where a union contract covers the Exposition, it will be necessary that all Exhibitors use qualified union personnel for the various services required for material handling within the show.

4. Protection of Exposition Facility: Nothing shall be posted on, or tacked, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors or other parts of the Exposition Facility without permission from the proper building authority. Packing, unpacking and assembly of exhibits shall be done only in designated areas and in conformity with the direction of the Events and the Exposition Facility Manager or their assistants.

5. Subletting Space: No Exhibitor shall assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted to it. Nor shall any exhibitor exhibit or promote within a booth space any products, materials or services that the Exhibitor does not develop or distribute in the regular course of its business, or allow any other person or party to do so.

D. Booth Operations:

1. Hours of Operation: The Event may from time-to-time promulgate such regulations governing hours of access to displays and eligibility for admission thereto as may be found in its judgment to be most practicable.

2. Music: The playing of music or any form of sound amplification is strictly prohibited, or up to the discretion of the Events.

3. Food, Beverages and Ancillary Services: Dispensing or serving of beverages, food or providing ancillary services from a booth must be approved by the Exposition Facility and the Event before the commencement of the Exposition.

4. Animals/Pets: No live animal, reptile, fish or bird is allowed in the Exposition Facility, unless proper precautions have been made to control and restrain such animal, fish or bird, and for which written permission has been provided. Guide dogs may accompany a disabled or physically challenged person within the Exposition Facility.

5. Automobiles: Vehicles are prohibited from being brought into the Exposition Facility.

6. Decorations/Restrictions: The Events and the Exposition Facility must approve all helium-filled balloons. The use of helium balloons, glitter, sand, adhesive backed decals or simulated snow types of material are not permitted in the Exposition Facility without permission from the Events and the Exposition Facility. The Exhibitor will incur additional charges for the cleanup of these materials.

7. Security: The Events undertake no duty, nor assume any responsibility for the protection of the property of the Exhibitor or its representatives, or of property used in connection with the Exhibit, from theft or damage or destruction by fire, accident or other cause. Small and easily portable articles shall be properly secured or removed after exhibition hours and placed in safekeeping by the Exhibitor. Any protection exercised, in fact, by the Events shall be deemed purely gratuitous on its part and shall in no way be construed to create any liability.

8. Promotional Materials; Soliciting and Polling. Neither Exhibitors nor non-exhibitors shall distribute to the persons attending the Exposition and related conference any printed matter, including without limitation: company specific promotional materials; complimentary newspapers and other periodicals; samples; and souvenirs and the like, except from within rented exhibit space. Special distribution of such material elsewhere must be approved by the Events. Distribution from booth-to-booth, or in the aisles, is forbidden, and Exhibitors must confine their exhibit activities to the leased space. Strolling entertainment or moving advertisements outside an Exhibitor’s assigned space is not permitted.

9. Prior Approval of Displays and Demonstrations Outside Exposition: Neither the Exhibitors nor non-exhibitors shall be permitted to provide demonstrations of products or services; display articles, equipment or information concerning services; or show movies/videos of such articles, equipment or services in private suites or rooms during an Exposition and related conference, except in accordance with prior agreements between the Events and officials of the Exposition Facility.

E. Cancellations and Refunds: It is the policy of the Events that in the event of cancellation or no-show on the part of the Exhibitor or Sponsor, no refunds will be made. Exhibitor hereby waives any and all claims against American Business Media LLC for damages or compensation due to cancellation or postponement of the Exposition pursuant to this paragraph. American Business Media LLC may reschedule events as necessary or prudent. Refunds for events cancelled by American Business Media will be made in the form of credits to be used for future select American Business Media LLC products and services only.

F. Liability and Indemnification: Upon the Application for Exhibit Space becoming a binding contract in accordance with Paragraph B.1 above, Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and save forever harmless the Events, American Business Media LLC, and the Hotels, its officers; directors; owners; affiliated companies; and all employees and agents of all of them (hereinafter collectively called “Indemnitees”) against (1) any personal injury to Exhibitor of its officers, agents, employees or guests, or to any other person in attendance at the Exposition; (2) any damage to, or loss of, any property of the Exhibitor or any of it officers, agents or employees, or of any other person in attendance at the Exposition; (3) any governmental charges or fines; and (4) any attorneys fees arising out of, or caused by, Exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the Exposition Facility, or a part thereof, excluding any such injury, loss, damage or other liability caused by the gross negligence or willful conduct of the Indemnitees, their employees and agents. Exhibitor also expressly releases the Indemnitees from and agrees to indemnify them against any and all claims for the specified injury, damage, loss or other liability and hereby waives any and all claims that may accrue to Exhibitor. In addition, Exhibitor acknowledges that the Events and other Indemnitees do not maintain insurance covering Exhibitor’s property, and that it is the sole responsibility of Exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance covering losses by Exhibitor relative to its property.

G. Compliance with Federal, State and Local Laws: Exhibitor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, including but not limited to fire regulations. The Events have no responsibility for Exhibitor compliance with applicable laws.

H. Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements: Exhibitor agrees to comply with applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and its regulations and guidelines (collectively “the ADA”) and agrees to hold American Business Media harmless from and against all claims that may be brought against Exhibitor on the basis of Exhibitor’s noncompliance with ADA requirements. All Exhibitor personnel who may need special assistance or auxiliary aids pursuant to the ADA should contact American Business Media as soon as possible.

I. Right of Entry and Inspection: American Business Media or its designees shall retain the absolute right, without limitation, to enter the leased area occupied by Exhibitor at any time and to inspect any material distributed or made available in the leased area at any time.

J. Governing Law and Forum: This Agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced according to the laws of Connecticut. The parties hereby agree to submit themselves to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of Connecticut, which shall be the exclusive venue for any disputes relating to this Agreement.

K. Amendments, Waiver: American Business Media shall have full power in the interpretation and enforcement of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, and the power to make, from time to time, such reasonable amendments thereto and to set such further terms and conditions as it shall consider necessary for the proper conduct of the Exposition, provided, such new terms and conditions do not materially alter or diminish the contractual rights of Exhibitor. The failure of American Business Media to enforce a term or condition of this Agreement in one instance shall not be construed to limit American Business Media’s right to enforce the term or condition in any other instance. Neither shall it be construed to effect a waiver of any other term or condition of this Agreement.